Waihi Beach Ocean Swimming Group is mostly based at the Surf Life Saving Club because most of the active crew are clubbies too.Pre-Covid the swims were every Friday evening over summer plus plenty of Saturdays and Sundays.Usual there are around 6 at a normal summer swim. 2 or 3 over winter with 79 Members in the Facebook Group.A base of 4 all year round that either live at the beach of visit a lot.Confident ocean swimmers. If it's rough we will swim out the back and body surf in for up to an hour. Calmer conditions we often swim nearly 4km to Orokawa Bay and back. We are happy to wait and regroup with slower Swimmers.Minimum Swimming Ability is 100m in a pool. We are happy to take people as far as they feel comfortable…half as far as they feel comfortable because you have to get back.No cost to join or swim.The group is mostly life guards putting in kilometers. Fit for purpose is the life guard motto. Waihi Beach is a summer resort so numbers are good for a few weeks. The rest of the year is locals. There is not an all year pool nearby so sea swimming is how we keep fit.Two years ago Christiaan swam the Covid version of the Chopper Swim. 20km Mostly on his own along the beach to Bowentown and back. That created some positive interaction and got us started.We wanted to be open for anyone to join in and the club can be intimidating. We can help swimmers build up to the Orokawa Bay swim held around Christmas/New Year.  A great swim. Usually clear water. Very social and a fund raising for the surf clubTo get in touch join the Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1994507900659252