Best part of what we do!

We're really lucky here at Swim T3, we get to help people achieve their goals in the water - and those goals are different for everyone.

For some, it's about times, placings and speed in competitions - these athletes work their ass off for years to reach their goals and this year we're hoping to see a few of them make it to Tokyo to represent us at the Olympics!

For others it's about getting out and seeing more of the world, and kiwi open water swimmers have some of the most amazing views in the world - that's one of the tings we're looking forward to at Wanaka this weekend!

Then some are after health and fitness goals - losing weight, getting healthier - swimming and water based exercises are amazing for that because the water offers 12 times the resistance and 4 times the amount of energy burned of land based exercises.

But one customer in particular this week really stood out to us - her name is Anne and she's nearing 70 - and she is scared of water.  So she's signing up for swimming lessons, getting into the pool to try deep water running and she's scared witless about it.  But Anne has a different motivation.  She's recently become legal guardian to her 3 year old granddaughter and doesn't want her to grow up with the anxiety she has around water.  So what better way to teach her to be respectful of the pool than to learn how to do that herself at the same time.

We love hearing stories like this, and it goes to show that everyone has a different approach and different goal to reach in the water.  Helping encourage everyone to reach for their goals is the best way to make sure everyone feels supported, confident and safe.


So go Anne!  You're bloody amazing!

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