Wanaka Lake Swimmers Club - Wanaka

Lake Wānaka, Lake Hāwea, some of the surrounding rivers and streams when they’re feeling adventurous.

Weekly “official” group swim on Sunday mornings, almost daily casual swims through summer (Tue/Thu/Fri mornings, Wednesday evenings, various times on Saturdays). Semi-regular winter swims for the hard core, aka our “Frozen Fish” group.

Approximate Number in Group 80-90 swimmers

Usual Number of Swimmers
25-35 regularly at Sunday morning swims. 3-10 at casual swims depending on the time of year. Many more when we host our pre-event “swim the course” days for The Ruby Swim and Challenge Wanaka Triathlon.

All skill levels and abilities welcome from newbies buying (or borrowing) their first wetsuit and learning about open water at our coached clinics up to experienced ultra-marathon and ice swimmers.

Everyone welcome as long as you’re comfortable putting your face in the water and getting you’re feet off the bottom…beyond that we can connect you with a coach or mentor to help you learn more.

Free to drop in. $45 for members, $35 to renew (yearly).

Membership costs cover our access to the Wānaka Watersports Facility with indoor change rooms, showers, and kitchenette for hot tea/coffee after Sunday swims.

Wānaka Lake Swimmers was established to aid and abet open water swimming in the Wānaka area. It has grown from a dedicated group who gathered around a picnic table to share home-baked goods after weekly swims to a diverse community who want to share the joy of swimming in our beautiful lakes with all who care to join us.

We are keen to share our joy of swimming with all who want to participate. We also strive to keep our lakes and rivers clean and safe for not only ourselves, but also future generations to enjoy.

Turn up to a Sunday morning swim. 8:30am at the Watersports Facility (Labour - Easter weekends except for the Sunday before Ruby and Challenge).

Check out the Wanaka Lake Swimmers Club Facebook Page and Wanaka Lake Swimmers Group Facebook Group for all the latest news and updates.

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